Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I'll miss tafe!

just want to say that i'll really miss TAFE and the people who did the course especially Kris i've done it from the very beginning and have enjoyed it so much THANK YOU KRIS AND ERYONE THAT HELPED OUT! It was an excellent experience and i loved everything we have done from filming the film clip, recording, making beautiful scrap books and doing blogs and so much more! THANKS GUYS FOR MAKING IT SO ENJOYABLE AND FUN I'VE HAD A BLAST AND AM REALLY GOING TO MISS IT!PEACE AND LOVE TO EVERYONE.............LUV FLICK!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Crippled, Injured, Sick, and Tortured Birds: Undercover Investigations Expose Kentucky Fried Cruelty WorldwideIn July 2004, PETA revealed the results of an investigation into a KFC-supplying slaughterhouse in Moorefield, West Virginia, where workers were caught on video stomping on chickens, kicking them, and violently slamming them against floors and walls. Workers also ripped the animals' beaks off, twisted their heads off, spat tobacco into their eyes and mouths, spray-painted their faces, and squeezed their bodies so hard that the birds expelled feces—all while the chickens were still alive. Dan Rather echoed the views of all kind people when he said on the CBS Evening News, “[T]here's no mistaking what [the video] depicts: cruelty to animals, chickens horribly mistreated before they're slaughtered for a fast-food chain.”

Good Charlotte against animal cruelty!

After finding out that Col. Sanders’ secret recipe includes cruelty to animals, members of Good Charlotte joined tourmates and PETA pals Goldfinger in a series of protests at KFC locations nationwide to help urge the public to boycott KFC.

Go Fall Out Boy!

Punk sensations Fall Out Boy hate cruelty to animals, which is why they signed PETA’s petition asking KFC to eliminate the worst abuses that its animals suffer, such as having their throats slit while they are still conscious and being dropped into tanks of scalding-hot water while they are still conscious.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Animal Cruelty!

I just found a site on animal cruelty that was so disturbing, disgraceful, wrong, sick .It just made me feel so sick to my stomach, that poor little animals are being treated that way being beaten, skinned alive and god knows what else! There was a petition too that you could sign, i didn't know that animals were being treated this way but that video clip proved that there are some sick twisted individuals out there! That footage make me so ...whats the word theres no word to describe it aarhh just made me so angry and sick! You can watch it by typing animal cruelty and clicking on the picture of the racoon!This type of cruelty needs to be stopped right away and needs to be made aware of. Well anyway that’s all that i have to say tell me what you think about this!

Mock Court!

Well today we did our mock court on rape i was part of the jury . A guy was accused of raping his wife after she found out he was having an affair with another women . The prosecution put up an alright fight but the defence was even better and left us questioning the victim and her witnesses stories in the end the accused was found NOT GUILTY ,all in all it was a good day and an interesting learning experience GOOD JOB TO EVERYONE INVOLVED!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

My Bud!

I have this friend and i just wanted to tell you about her we have been friends since year 7 i think.... maybe year 8 but i've never had a fight with her or anything like that she is funny and kind and a bit crazy at times and she has the same taste in guys as me... so funny we like the same music sometimes and i love to be around her and she does not give a shit about what anyone thinks or says about her,example is when we were in the canteen line today and she was swinging a wet tampon around and im like you have no shame do you think she cared NO! So Moe thanks for being such a good friend to me and GO DA BOOGIE MAN!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Mock Court

Well for tafe we are doing a mock court about rape how cool ! I'm part of the jury should be interesting.... lets see what happens !

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Assertive Behaviour!

Assertive people are cool to be around i hang around people who are assertive because they stand up for themselves, say what they want to say they respect what you are saying and your feelings and are confident and express themselves honestly and respect others while also having their say thank you my assertive buddies who are not aggressive or passive......... well at least most of the time!

Best Friend 4 Life..

Yo lil Flick what up baby? lol your blog on my blog is soo cool! I just want to thank you... yeah Your MY bestfriend and ppl get jealous because we have such a great frienship so thats really Cool... umm i dont know what to say.. I basically said it all in the comment but yeah.. Thanx!.. :)

Monday, May 14, 2007


Me and Flick can edit and post stuff on eachothers pages.. How mad is that.. But it's only between us coz where BESTFRIENDS and we are so smart! But its a secret so we cant tell you! So blah girls... Peace Out.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


Omg a friend and her mum said i look like Jared Leto like i don't see the resemblance but who cares his sooooo hot!

You Fake Thing!

How true like this friend of mine who is kinda fake i'm not bitching or anything ,but how fake can you get shes fake to everyone maybe even you! Well where am i going with this........oh yeah since a certain friend left she won't even talk to me and she's trying to hard to fit in with the nerds TRY HARD. Well yeah thats her business so go on with your fakeness girl since everyone around has already figured it out already. She like, bitches bout someone than goes up to them and smiles and trys to make a convo and its like.........waite a minute you were just bitching up a a storm a minute ago just fake i say FAKE FAKE FAKE!


Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Just doing my own thing

Why do ppl get so angry when you just do your own thing im not going to do what everyone else is doing coz that is just so boring not all ppl like the same things HELLO woud'nt it be boring if we did so im just going to keep doing my OWN THING coz thats what i do so hate it or love it don't really care!

Don't Call Me A Slut Nicole!

Well hi i thought it was about time i updated my blog coz yeah i have'nt really been......... well its a Wednesday 7:14 and im bored. I have a sports carnival tomorrow and im so not interested in going so i prob won't .I was just thinking some people are so mean they write stuff about you on the school tables and they don't even know SHIT ALL about you like how annoying they wrote stuff about me and a friend suggesting something bad that is sooo not true its really PATHETIC like if you've had it done to you than u know what i mean .....i don't care anyway they don't know me !!!! This week has been weird like in history this girl asked my friend to move down the table and she said no or something like that and the girl called us sluts does she even know the meaning ,coz we woud'nt move she called us sluts..... he he..... how funny jez ppl !
"Take a step outside and see whats shaking in the real world
take a step out side and see whats shaking in the real world"
Aarrhh some ppl are just so annoying and i am just so ANNOYED!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Trying to be positive!

Well it seems all i blog about is negative friendships i've made up with that particular person i blogged about before but now my other friend is going to another school and im so sad i don't want her to go i'll miss her too much even though we've had our rough patches lately i remember all the good times we shared and all the fun we have and now shes leaving me .I know i'll still see her on weekends and holidays but still i'll miss you stace!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Body Image !

As a teenager i suffer from bad body image all the time .We are bombarded by all this stuff that we are suppose to look like the" idea look" that is so not realistic and nobody is perfect i sure know i'm not.We should all just love ourselves the way we are and not try to change to fit in or to be like everybody around us we should just embrace our uniqueness and not change to suit anyone else!
Just be yourself thats all that you can do!

Growing Apart......

It's so sad when friends drift apart but sometimes it just happens ,you just don't have anything in common anymore and everything that person does just gets on your nerves arrrh..... so iritating if you've ever had anything happen to you like that then you know what i mean!I felt as if this was happening to me but i sorted it out and i now know you should'nt give up a true friendship over some stupid disagreements because i know our friendship is going to last the distance we listen to eachother and have so much in common and petty little things don't bother me anymore!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Is this a true friend?

You see i have this friend who always points out every little imperfection and called me a ballerina twice which i did not like! She always has to outdo me and reminds me of all the times i've done something wrong, mean stupid anything really i could go on and on about her she even thinks she knows what i'm thinking weird right? She has a very good memory like something i did a month ago that she didn't like she brought up just yesterday and i'm like where did that come from? I did that a month ago get over it already! She always has to TRY to out do me all the annoying .I even wrote some poems about her here it goes........
It’s like wild thorns growing through my heart
but i don't want to depart
Or go our separate ways
but you always put me in dismay
Oh go away i'm so through with you it’s like all the time
You put people down to be beneath you
Im tired of fighting back it only makes it worse; it makes me just bad as you
but i know that is so not true.
Why must you compare it only puts me in despair,
Don’t talk about people or the way they do their hair
Would you like it if we did that to you, would it be fair?
We are all shapes and sizes different colours too do we have to point that out what if someone did that to you point out every little imperfection who would be there for protection?
It feels like you analyse with your piercing eyes looking for that little thing something you can point out, just anything.
you can't help yourself were the comments really necessary just because i try something new it feels like you have to outdo but if you can't you put me down how cruel are you?
I may be small in cleavage and have a weird dress style too but who are you to compare me or make jokes and laugh there’s a fine line don't take it too far i already don't like myself but you make it way worse by far!!!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

First Blog!

Well hi my name is Felicity and this is my first blog!
I really don't like it when people put others down to make themselves feel better it just isn't nice and no one will want to be friends with you if you keep doing it, it makes you feel like crap when people do it. I've experienced put downs before and witnessed it happening to friends by another friend it's not nice to witness and not nice to have people especially who happen to be friends do that to you.

Quirky Editors!

Would you hurt this animal?

Would you hurt this animal?
Click on images and type animal cruelty and click on the picture above!

Another pic of Savannah!

Another pic of Savannah!