Thursday, May 10, 2007

You Fake Thing!

How true like this friend of mine who is kinda fake i'm not bitching or anything ,but how fake can you get shes fake to everyone maybe even you! Well where am i going with this........oh yeah since a certain friend left she won't even talk to me and she's trying to hard to fit in with the nerds TRY HARD. Well yeah thats her business so go on with your fakeness girl since everyone around has already figured it out already. She like, bitches bout someone than goes up to them and smiles and trys to make a convo and its like.........waite a minute you were just bitching up a a storm a minute ago just fake i say FAKE FAKE FAKE!


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Quirky Editors!

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Would you hurt this animal?
Click on images and type animal cruelty and click on the picture above!

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