Thursday, May 17, 2007

Assertive Behaviour!

Assertive people are cool to be around i hang around people who are assertive because they stand up for themselves, say what they want to say they respect what you are saying and your feelings and are confident and express themselves honestly and respect others while also having their say thank you my assertive buddies who are not aggressive or passive......... well at least most of the time!

Best Friend 4 Life..

Yo lil Flick what up baby? lol your blog on my blog is soo cool! I just want to thank you... yeah Your MY bestfriend and ppl get jealous because we have such a great frienship so thats really Cool... umm i dont know what to say.. I basically said it all in the comment but yeah.. Thanx!.. :)

Monday, May 14, 2007


Me and Flick can edit and post stuff on eachothers pages.. How mad is that.. But it's only between us coz where BESTFRIENDS and we are so smart! But its a secret so we cant tell you! So blah girls... Peace Out.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


Omg a friend and her mum said i look like Jared Leto like i don't see the resemblance but who cares his sooooo hot!

You Fake Thing!

How true like this friend of mine who is kinda fake i'm not bitching or anything ,but how fake can you get shes fake to everyone maybe even you! Well where am i going with this........oh yeah since a certain friend left she won't even talk to me and she's trying to hard to fit in with the nerds TRY HARD. Well yeah thats her business so go on with your fakeness girl since everyone around has already figured it out already. She like, bitches bout someone than goes up to them and smiles and trys to make a convo and its like.........waite a minute you were just bitching up a a storm a minute ago just fake i say FAKE FAKE FAKE!


Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Just doing my own thing

Why do ppl get so angry when you just do your own thing im not going to do what everyone else is doing coz that is just so boring not all ppl like the same things HELLO woud'nt it be boring if we did so im just going to keep doing my OWN THING coz thats what i do so hate it or love it don't really care!

Don't Call Me A Slut Nicole!

Well hi i thought it was about time i updated my blog coz yeah i have'nt really been......... well its a Wednesday 7:14 and im bored. I have a sports carnival tomorrow and im so not interested in going so i prob won't .I was just thinking some people are so mean they write stuff about you on the school tables and they don't even know SHIT ALL about you like how annoying they wrote stuff about me and a friend suggesting something bad that is sooo not true its really PATHETIC like if you've had it done to you than u know what i mean .....i don't care anyway they don't know me !!!! This week has been weird like in history this girl asked my friend to move down the table and she said no or something like that and the girl called us sluts does she even know the meaning ,coz we woud'nt move she called us sluts..... he he..... how funny jez ppl !
"Take a step outside and see whats shaking in the real world
take a step out side and see whats shaking in the real world"
Aarrhh some ppl are just so annoying and i am just so ANNOYED!

Quirky Editors!

Would you hurt this animal?

Would you hurt this animal?
Click on images and type animal cruelty and click on the picture above!

Another pic of Savannah!

Another pic of Savannah!