Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Is this a true friend?

You see i have this friend who always points out every little imperfection and called me a ballerina twice which i did not like! She always has to outdo me and reminds me of all the times i've done something wrong, mean stupid anything really i could go on and on about her she even thinks she knows what i'm thinking weird right? She has a very good memory like something i did a month ago that she didn't like she brought up just yesterday and i'm like where did that come from? I did that a month ago get over it already! She always has to TRY to out do me all the annoying .I even wrote some poems about her here it goes........
It’s like wild thorns growing through my heart
but i don't want to depart
Or go our separate ways
but you always put me in dismay
Oh go away i'm so through with you it’s like all the time
You put people down to be beneath you
Im tired of fighting back it only makes it worse; it makes me just bad as you
but i know that is so not true.
Why must you compare it only puts me in despair,
Don’t talk about people or the way they do their hair
Would you like it if we did that to you, would it be fair?
We are all shapes and sizes different colours too do we have to point that out what if someone did that to you point out every little imperfection who would be there for protection?
It feels like you analyse with your piercing eyes looking for that little thing something you can point out, just anything.
you can't help yourself were the comments really necessary just because i try something new it feels like you have to outdo but if you can't you put me down how cruel are you?
I may be small in cleavage and have a weird dress style too but who are you to compare me or make jokes and laugh there’s a fine line don't take it too far i already don't like myself but you make it way worse by far!!!


memoeblog said...

hey flick. you do no i would never do that stuff to you because true friends dont put each other down all the time. u know we all love u to ok flik. love moe.

Anonymous said...

"hey flick you do no i would never do that stuff to you because true friends dont put each other down all the time. u know we all love u to ok flik. love moe." - like omg loser! anyways your poem is soo funny.. i love it! Poor girl you wrote it about.. Like is she really that bad?.. (looks at moe) Anyways Love you.

quirky-flick said...

Well thanks Moe i know u would never do that to me or would you?
So anonymous u think Moe is a loser no surprise loads of people have the same oppinion but shes my "lil positive buddy" and i love her i guess... so yeah keep leaving you comments i enjoy reading them Peace Out!

emily said...

anonymous get a life!!
whoever u may be u have no right to critisise other people especially moe what she said about flik is the truth and flik by the way ur poem was really good but yeh onwards anonymous GO SCREW URSELF!!!
oh and look in the mirror anonymous ur not perfect either no one is!!!

quirky-flick said...

Well thanks Emily anonymous who are you to put poor lil moe down what has she done to you huh,huh ?
Moe was just simply voicing her oppinion and good on her for it !
Well anyways.... keep writing your oppinions i love reading them .

Anonymous said...

omg "emily" shut your FACE.. i do have a life wanker coz if i didnt i wouldnt be writing this WOULD I? huh huh huh?? and i do have a right.. remember "freedom of speech" girl?? probably not coz your such a DUMB ASS!!!!! and did i say anything about being "perfect" uh nooo.. whats wrong with you, ya little simpleton. Maybe you should use your friggin peanut size brain coz did U EVER think it could be a joke??????? ooooo guess not ya stupid RETARD!!!

memoeblog said...

whoever the anonymouse person is needs to take there own advice and shut your own face. shove it were it fits why dont you, you stuck up cow. you probably dont even have any friends your self with that stuck up attitude of yours.

emily said...

moe u have the right idea about anonymous u have no right to go around saying i have a peanut sized brain and as moe said stick it were it fits u have a nerve u know we are young teenagers doing these blogs, this is for a bit of fun then people like u come and shove ur big ASS mouth in it and ruin the whole prosses u should have left the bitching to us instead of getting ur ass involved in it ill say it again until it sinks through ur thick head GET A LIFE AND LEAVE US ALONE and u know what ur a coward u wouldnt even use ur blogger account u have to have it as anonymous cause ur to cowardly to say what u have to say using ur proper blog!!!
leave us alone dumb bitch and if u have a nerve to write back go on do it ur entertaining me now!!

Anonymous said...

Look im anonymous
ha ha ha it doesnt feel that good belindaa so get ova it!

~*hAyLeY*~ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
superman is tha best said...

hey anonymous you must be pretty bored puttin every one down and emily is not a dumb ass shes deadly but obviously you have no friends!!!! oh and you r the dumb one coz emily dosent have a peanut 4 a brain loser!!!!! go have a cry anonymous you suck!!! but i love all you other gals!!!!

WiLd_At _HeArT said...

ok so someone in this room needs to get their fax straight and Ive eva only left 1 comment on Flick's page, but you need to know I havent done shit all.. Oh well Flick should know it's not me and who eva it is, you really need to grow some fucking balls..........

memoeblog said...

you need to shut your face and just come clean on who you are you dumb coward or are you too much of a fucking pussy. have you nuthin better to do or something. just get the fuck over it.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

x.X.x 100% princess x.X.x said...


superman is tha best said...

i think what you are doin is really mean and i hope you have no friends emily,flik,tara,maz,katie,jodi,
hayley are the best in the world and have many contacts so dont start all right!!!! if your in this tafe group you are sooooooo slack were all friends and ur jus a sl*# so pi#* off and leave us alone loser!!!!!!!! get a life!!!!

memoeblog said...

i mean the anonymouse fulla as well and not u girls .

BuBbLeS said...

emily well i think u r pretty mad no matter what people say lol ur one of the maddest people i know babe xoxoxoxox

and who every it is sayign this is preety slack if it is someone in this room lol

emily said...

nik ur mean the wrold to me and so do all u otha gurls for sticking up for me anonymous have u noticed i have friends unlike ur dumb arse self get over urself and get a life all us are friends here at tafe and if u do anything to ruin that u better watch ur back we have ways of finding out who u r!!!

superman is tha best said...

ok i think we should let this "ANONYMOUS" play his/her stupid silly games coz we all got each other so it dosent what they say we will never split up ever!!! dont forget "ANONYMOUS" you are only 1 person we are one huge family and we stick 4 each other so later bud!!!!

Anonymous said...

i love all the girls at tafe there beautiful
love katie and nic

Anonymous said...

GROW up is it you kyra?

memoeblog said...

no its not kyra and i no that for a fact so dont go trying to blame this crap on her.

Jodi+Emily+Hayley=best friends said...

hey r u? um i dont know wat u ment in that comment u left me. anyway this whole anonymous thing is wierd ay, how do u think it is?

Anonymous said...


memoeblog said...

or wat, whats that suppose to mean.

quirky-flick said...

Hey like!

ky said...

Hey Flick, omg look at this mess. Bitchiness everywhere. Well girls dont accuse me of being that anonymous person OK! Anonymous just show yourself and tell us your name ok? so then all this sh*t will stop. or you could just keep going and keep ripping these girls coz i must admit its really funny too see them all angry and stuff but yeah. Just please tell us your name and why your doing it alright? Anyways back to u Flick, why does it always seem there's fights over your stuff, like on your rubber and pencil case and ruler? Its really weird.. but yeah LOVE YA LOTS flick-i-poo. xox C ya on monday!

Anonymous said...

omg shut your face emily, moe, nikki, tara ( i can see your name on your page f**kwits) you should all go f**k yourselfs and get a figgin life, ya dumb bitches. Ha ha i got u all upset and angry, just look at your comments really great girls especially the fact that your accusing other girls or guys of me that rocks. Tara your such a dumbass why dont YOU f**king grow up and act your age, im at the right age to be a guy, ya dicknobb... and emily go f**k yourself or do it with ya lesbian friends... oh and niki your a sl*t and should shut your hole ok?.. and ppl im a f**king GUY not a girl f**king hell...... and i might tell u my name if u BEG me.

Anonymous said...

OMG You sound like your desperate... What exactly do you want... Maybe we should beg, Would that make you feel better bout yourself? Do you want attention? Do you want someone to talk to??? Well get stuffed cos your looking in the wrong place.....

emily said...

thanks for calling me a lesbian i apprecitate it mystery person what is ur NAME!!!plz tell im dying to know what it is ill lesbian sex u...

Anonymous said...

hey i dont know who u r but can u just tell us ur name and get over it already its stupid and for a guy thats really slack calling other people sl#ts and dont hav the courage to say ur name how whos the bumb one think about


memoeblog said...

excuse me its u who should act your age you fuck wit. i'd rather jump of a bridge than beg for your name. have you not got any thing better to do with your life and i didnt go asking the girls to put me in thier bloggs did i. no. why are you so negative to these girls anyway did your penis drop of or something cause your ackting like it. of corse you can see our names on it. we are not pussy to hide who we are like you so SHUT UR FACE.

superman is tha best said...

please tell us please!!!!! thanx for calling me a slut at least im known and prode of it you little f*#ker and im not scared to be who i am unlike you, you cant evan show your name how gutless is that gees if you had grown up maybe you would stop doin this sh*t u worthless dick!!! at least tell us the name of your page!!! loser later
niki the sl*t :)
p.s my name is nicole not nikki dick!!!!"

quirky-flick said...

Ok enough is enough leave my blog alone you looser!

Anonymous said...

Woah little fiesty people... yeah thats what i like to hear all negative sh*t weird people.. This is the most fun i have had since my "penis dropped off".. oh man was that good.. I love it how u all swear without putting something in place of the words, it makes you sound like little simpletons. But of coarse it doesnt surprise me because you ALL ARE! moe- omg you are such a f--king little loser, man the stuff you and the rest write cracks me and my friends up. I have succeeded my little mission and that was to piss a group of unknown losers from the other side of the world off.. I live in --------------- aint gonna tell you inless you beg me.. I cant believe you guys actually took offence to my harmless little jokes.. well that shows how "grown up" you people are. The great thing about being anonymous and not having a name means you dont know who i am and i personally would of liked to keep it that way.. but since you have all begged me.. ha ha yess succeeded again i will tell you idiots.. My name is Marc and if you want to know where i live and my age BEG ME! ok.. oh p.s niki/emily/tara/moe you are all disgraceful, ugly- stupid little girls who should practice what you effing preach and wake the hell up, you dumb-ass little b-t--es ok! Now express your little un important minds and keep telling the truth! (like emily + niki did - finally admitting that she is a lesbian and niki saying that she is a sl-t.) Go girls, or guys.. yess guys.. no wait they look like guys but are very feminine intouch.. i dont know i'll just call you "things".. oh quirky-flick and ky (contributors) your blog is ugly, your blogs have been raped and you both sound like dumb f--ked in the head cu-ts... :)

Anonymous said...

hey marc... my advice is to tell u and ur friends to get a life and leave people that want nothing to do with u alone... and i bet u cant guess who this is and its not emily/moe/tara or nic because unlike them I do not use my name.... Pretty smart ay...i think we are twins but the diffence is im smart and i think about what i say lol .. anyways i still think ur desperate... by the way do u hav a gf ... probabley not seeing as the way that u treat other people..

love u xoxoxox mwah

BuBbLeS said...

hey hey

what u been up to at skool lol...

im really bored lol

xoxox c u at skool ok

xoxox this si the first time i hav been on ur blog

Anonymous said...

thanks now we understand why ur so lonley you have no penis to play with so you have to write sh*t to us!!! and i reakon you should go play with ur friends if there real and leave us of course we get annoyed you dont evan know us and your calling us names gees!!!

superman is tha best said...


memoeblog said...

"moe- omg you are such a f--king little loser, man the stuff you and the rest write cracks me and my friends up. I have succeeded my little mission and that was to piss a group of unknown losers from the other side of the world off.." omg wat a looser. gee im very happy that we make you and your friends laugh. just made my day the things you write. little looser hey. you dont even know me so i think you need to refraise your worthless words cause thats all they are. worthless and thats all youll ever be. same are all your friends. if your name is mark, why dont you prove it. anyway, keep writing your pathetic words cause we dont care about it any more. oh and im tall not little you retart. : ) oh and flick and kyras blogs are probably better than yours and you are probably only bagging them out cause you know thier blogs are beter than yours. hehe. you loosers suck man.......

Anonymous said...

hey hey well who ever it is that is writing this .. i really think that u should get over it and grow up lol by the way this is rihanna and i bet u dont know me ... so u wont b able to say anything about me and i dont get it how can u say things about people that u dont even know... just smart i guess lol .. and let me tell u that u and ur friends come up with the weirdes game lol


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