Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Body Image !

As a teenager i suffer from bad body image all the time .We are bombarded by all this stuff that we are suppose to look like the" idea look" that is so not realistic and nobody is perfect i sure know i'm not.We should all just love ourselves the way we are and not try to change to fit in or to be like everybody around us we should just embrace our uniqueness and not change to suit anyone else!
Just be yourself thats all that you can do!

Growing Apart......

It's so sad when friends drift apart but sometimes it just happens ,you just don't have anything in common anymore and everything that person does just gets on your nerves arrrh..... so iritating if you've ever had anything happen to you like that then you know what i mean!I felt as if this was happening to me but i sorted it out and i now know you should'nt give up a true friendship over some stupid disagreements because i know our friendship is going to last the distance we listen to eachother and have so much in common and petty little things don't bother me anymore!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Is this a true friend?

You see i have this friend who always points out every little imperfection and called me a ballerina twice which i did not like! She always has to outdo me and reminds me of all the times i've done something wrong, mean stupid anything really i could go on and on about her she even thinks she knows what i'm thinking weird right? She has a very good memory like something i did a month ago that she didn't like she brought up just yesterday and i'm like where did that come from? I did that a month ago get over it already! She always has to TRY to out do me all the annoying .I even wrote some poems about her here it goes........
It’s like wild thorns growing through my heart
but i don't want to depart
Or go our separate ways
but you always put me in dismay
Oh go away i'm so through with you it’s like all the time
You put people down to be beneath you
Im tired of fighting back it only makes it worse; it makes me just bad as you
but i know that is so not true.
Why must you compare it only puts me in despair,
Don’t talk about people or the way they do their hair
Would you like it if we did that to you, would it be fair?
We are all shapes and sizes different colours too do we have to point that out what if someone did that to you point out every little imperfection who would be there for protection?
It feels like you analyse with your piercing eyes looking for that little thing something you can point out, just anything.
you can't help yourself were the comments really necessary just because i try something new it feels like you have to outdo but if you can't you put me down how cruel are you?
I may be small in cleavage and have a weird dress style too but who are you to compare me or make jokes and laugh there’s a fine line don't take it too far i already don't like myself but you make it way worse by far!!!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

First Blog!

Well hi my name is Felicity and this is my first blog!
I really don't like it when people put others down to make themselves feel better it just isn't nice and no one will want to be friends with you if you keep doing it, it makes you feel like crap when people do it. I've experienced put downs before and witnessed it happening to friends by another friend it's not nice to witness and not nice to have people especially who happen to be friends do that to you.

Quirky Editors!

Would you hurt this animal?

Would you hurt this animal?
Click on images and type animal cruelty and click on the picture above!

Another pic of Savannah!

Another pic of Savannah!